DEX - Architecture, Furniture & Interior Design WordPress Theme

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shoppingBag Sales: 92

Created: Feb 21, 2022

Updated: Mar 19, 2024

ID: 230880

og体育首页ONE -无限下载 $14.10/mo

410k Items | Commercial Use 许可证允许使用此项目创建无限的数字终端产品,以便在您的订阅有效期内销售. | Support 加入下载此项目  for Free

Dex is a beautiful design for architecture and interior design. 我们尝试在Dex中呈现所有类型的架构和内部功能. 我们试图以一种非常漂亮的方式安排每一个主题. 最重要的是我们的设计符合现代风格. 客户将能够将此项目用于各种目的, such as, 室内设计服务, Dining Room, 外观设计, Kitchen Design, 客厅设计, 主卧设计, Cottage, etc.

Building a sturdy base for all your projects, it’s Dex! 为任何建筑师设计的当代建筑和建筑主题, architecture studio or bureau. 这个现代主题带有多个预制布局,供您分享有关建筑用品的所有内容, construction process and architecture design. Dex comes with full Elementor Page Builder compatibility, 实用的商店元素, a blog, 多种多样的投资组合, and 12 amazing premade websites. Start with a solid foundation!

如果你喜欢,你可以买这个主题没有任何好奇. 因为我们的团队总是准备好让我们的客户满意. 因此,在购买此物品之前,您可以访问我们的个人资料,然后购买.


Available Drag & 删除元素页面生成器 &

7+ Unique Demo


Latest Bootstrap Version 4 Used.

100% Responsive For All Kind Of Device

Modern & Unique Design


All Images Included In Package

S E O friendly




Unlimited Colors Customization



谷歌字体- 500 +


Added Video

Smooth Scroll

Contact Form 7




Flexible & 可靠的支持


online documentation and video tutorial

No coding knowledge required


Easily create different Home or other pages

Flexible easy-to-use page options

Create amazing website without touching a line of code


设计色彩无限 & 内容元素

Responsive visibility options

Optimized for Contact Form 7

MailChim for WordPress





  1. 新增登陆页面
  2. New Coding & CSS Added
  3. 更新所有插件


2022年5月31日更新 新增登陆页面 New Coding & CSS Added 更新所有插件

更新:19/08/2022 提高设计质量 改善反应质素 最新的所有插件

更新:09/10/2022 提高设计质量 最新的所有插件 增加了新的演示

更新:21/11/2022 更新所有文件 新增登陆页面演示

更新:24/01/2023 Added New Demo WordPress 6更新.1

更新:17/02/2023 增加了新的演示 Error Solved 最新的所有插件


  1. 解决了小部件的错误
  2. 更换主机服务器
  3. Update All Files And Plugins
  4. 增加了新的演示.


  1. 增加了新的演示
  2. 更新设计质量
  3. 解决滑块滑溜问题
  4. 最新的所有插件
  5. Update Design

更新23-08-2023 新增内页 新的编码和CSS添加 新增图片 修复其他问题


  1. 增加了一些新的演示
  2. 新增内页
  3. 修复了一些主要问题
  4. 提高设计质量
  5. 更新WordPress版本


  1. 增加了新的演示
  2. 解决控制台错误
  3. 最新的所有插件


  1. 增加了一个视频演示
  2. 速度优化
  3. 更新所有插件


I have built multiple company and ecommerce websites. Dex模板是非常棒的工作,有相当多的预先构建的元素,我能够在整个网站以不同的方式使用. Support was fantastic and quick. 我能够向他们展示我的问题,开发人员能够立即纠正我的问题. 我不觉得它的功能有限,并将最大限度地利用它在我的网站上. 这个模板是值得的! A+
Absolutely brilliant theme and above all service / support! I'm super happy with the performance! 谢谢,谢谢!
Don't waste your money on this theme!!! Theme isn't working correctly, 支持在主题中修复袋子超过1个月,但仍然没有修复它们. 主题有很多包. 我不能更改字体大小, icon sizes, backgrounds on many elements, but this function is in the builder, 它不起作用. 支持我的人告诉我,他们不明白所有的事情都在他们这边进行. 但这并不是因为在他们的现场演示中发现了bug. I showed it to them on video. Before that they didn't saw it. The same thing with other bugs. 他们没有看到他们. So I recorded video of few bugs (not all, 因为我没有太多的时间, my client is still waiting for her website, so I showed just important bugs for me). 所以这家伙只修复了“我们的特色作品”部分的一个bug. 但他们没有修复我第二个视频中提到的bug(有些bug很重要). And every time they was asking for better rating from me. Even they were working on bugs, They wrote me that if I will put them good rate, they will work faster))) Really? I was shocked. Support must do their work good and then will get good rate. 我不能推荐这个主题,我警告你-不要在这个主题上花钱. 原因如下: Theme isn't working correctly. 主题中有很多bug需要修复——改变一些背景, colors, 通过元素构造函数,文本大小是不可能的, although such functionality is available. 改变是不会发生的. 在其中一个部分,当多次按下各种按钮时,图像完全消失.
Please check your ticket I have sent the video. In my end everything is fine. May be problem in your site because.
Dear Sir Your complain is not right .先生,我已经修复了我的错误. And same think but unfortunately it's not working. 先生,问题是 你的网站很慢 Your site not open in me all browser That why I can not work properly. I have sent a video for proof it's working fine. Sir I understand your trouble.and still I want to solve your issue. Please give so me more time.
先生,很多人买了我的主题,但没有给任何差评. Because my theme is working fine. 突然这个问题在我的主题中受到影响,但我已经解决了它并给了你证明,但是你告诉我的主题不工作.

6 Comments for this product

Been almost a year of running this theme. 不幸的是,即使有了更新,手机菜单功能仍然不能正常工作. 我们网站40%的访问者是移动用户,所以我们失去了相当一部分访问者, 潜在的业务.
Hello Friend, May you please make a support request ? 我会尽我最大的努力. Thank You
Dont waste ur money on this theme. It doesn't working correctly. And support isn't working correctly too. They was solving problems of their theme for weeks. 我已经写了一篇评论,但如果我能再写一篇,我会的. They don't fix problems correctly, it still doesn't working. But they are telling me that it is working on their end. I told them to show me video how ot os working on their end. Few times) They just ignore this. 我认为他们对我不诚实,这就是为什么他们不想播放任何视频.// because this theme isn't working good. I'm very upset that I bought this theme, 我看到了不好的评论, 但我在想,有了支持,一切都会好起来的. No! I was so wrong! 不要像我一样思考. 只是不要相信这个主题!
hello Sir I have updated my theme. 它工作得很好. If you needed help then you could want support from me. but you did not want any support. Please let me know if you need help now. 我会尽我最大的努力. Our support team is all time ready for assist you.
目前我不能推荐这个主题,我警告你-不要在这个主题上花钱. 原因如下: Theme isn't working correctly. A lot of bugs. Support constantly asks for login details to my site. But the problem is in the theme. 主题中有很多bug需要修复——改变一些背景, colors, 通过元素构造函数,文本大小是不可能的, although such functionality is available. 改变是不会发生的. 在其中一个部分,当多次按下各种按钮时,图像完全消失. 支持已经访问了我的网站,但现在告诉我,网站已经关闭,他们不能做任何事情. The site works great though. And the problem is not in the site, but in their theme. 我不明白为什么他们要求每个人都能访问网站, if everyone complains about the same thing as me. The problem is obvious - bugs in their theme. Let the bugs be fixed and we will simply update our themes. 我写了同样的支持,以便他们解决主题上的错误. 但是他们回答说,他们不能访问我的网站,因为它不能工作. 修复你的主题中的错误,伙计们,你不需要我的网站. 似乎他们只是在尽可能地拖延时间,以便不去纠正错误.
Hello Sir We Have solved Our All Bugs From our themes. Please let me know if you need any help again
Theme isnt working, dont waste ur money on this one. 造物主没有回应,即使我们已经支付了6个月的支持!
Hello Sir Can You please give me your Support ID ?
亲爱的先生,你可以为你的问题做一个支持请求吗 ?

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Guru Author


4.4 /5
支持度评分(299 ratings) 此评级是基于获得该产品作者支持的客户的反馈. 5 248 4 6 3 4 2 4 1 37
Response Time: Fast 该值表示对客户端查询或请求的平均响应时间.
支持Maverik 支持Maverik
